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Delhi High Court Expresses Concern Over Enforcement Of Judicial Orders Passed Against Domain Name Registering Companies Not Having Office In India

[08 June 2022] The Delhi High Court has said that it has become increasingly challenging to enforce orders passed by Indian Courts against domain name registering entities located across the globe, a large number of which do not have any base or office in India.
Justice Pratibha M Singh expressed concern over enforcement of judicial orders against such entities with respect to blocking or suspension of domain names, transfer of domain name, revealing of details of the registrants, registrants’ names or other contact details being non-existent or fictitious and also the manner in which payments are being collected through such websites. “There are various challenges faced by the Courts in respect of domain names, mobile applications, messaging services wherein various illegal activities are being carried out through the said domain names/websites, applications and messaging services,” the Court said.

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